David Carrington
David works as an adviser and consultant on the promotion of personal philanthropy, the steps funders can take to improve their behaviour and processes, the development of social impact investing and the governance of charities. His clients have included endowed and corporate foundations, individual social investors and philanthropists, private wealth managers and the Big Lottery Fund. He also works as a ‘mentor/adviser’ for senior staff of charities He has worked with Fundraising Training Ltd on a number of consultancies with clients, such as The Brooke and the Zurich Community Foundation, as well as presenting at events for fundraisers.
He helped to set up the charity governance consultancy and training initiative, On Board, within the UK’s leading charity and social enterprise law firm, Bates Wells and Braithwaite, in 2005.
He has been Chief Executive of three foundations including The Baring Foundation (1992-8) and a Board member of several other funders, including a Lottery fund distributor and BBC Children in Need. He was a member of the UK’s Social Investment Task Force from 2000-2010 and was a member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Effective Philanthropy in the USA.
He was a founder Director and Chair of the company that publishes the journal Alliance and was founding chair of the Programme Board of the Inspiring Impact collaboration of UK voluntary sector organisations. He is a Trustee of two charities, Gulan and SOFII, and a former Trustee of several other charitable companies including Bridges Charitable Trust, the National Foundation for Youth Music, the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain and engage (the association of people working in gallery education).
All of David’s advisory and consultancy work, speaking engagements, committee and Board memberships and his CV can be found on his website.